Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
App that is used to generate code stubs for local algorithmic development.

    .. code:: bash

       usage: generalg [-h] -A A -M M -L L
       optional arguments:
          -h, --help  show this help message and exit
          -A A        Algorithm name
          -M M        Module name
          -L L        Library name


    .. code:: bash

       generalg -L testlib -M testmod -A testalg

will ensure that a directory named **testlib** is created.

Within **testlib**, the app ensures that the **** and **** files exist.

The **** will contain:

    .. code:: python

       from GenerIter.process import Process

       class Testmod(Process):
           def __init__(self):
           def testalg(self):
               print("Executing testalg")
               # Your code goes here

import argparse
from pathlib import Path

from import CLIBase
from GenerIter.selector import Selector
import GenerIter.excepts as gix
from GenerIter.util import debug

[docs]class Algorithm(CLIBase): klass_template = '''from GenerIter.process import Process class {KLASS}(Process): def __init__(self): super().__init__() ''' alg_template = ''' def {ALG}(self): print("Executing {ALG}") # Your code goes here ''' def _init_(self): super(Algorithm, self).__init__()
[docs] def parseArguments(self): # Set up positional and optional arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Zero or more -I parameters are allowed parser.add_argument("-A", help="Algorithm name", action='store', required=True) # Zero or more -I parameters are allowed parser.add_argument("-M", help="Module name", action='store', required=True) # This is a mandatory output name parameter. parser.add_argument("-L", help="Library name", action='store', required=True) # Parse the command line as supplied args = parser.parse_args() # Set up the member values according to the command line options self._library = args.L.lower() self._module = args.M.lower() self._klass = self._module.capitalize() self._algorithm = args.A.lower()
[docs] def build_lib(self): lib = Path(self._library) lib.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) init = lib / '' if init.exists() is False: init.touch()
[docs] def build_class(self): prog = '{0}.py'.format(self._klass) mod = Path(self._library) / prog if mod.exists() is False:'w') mod.write_text(self.klass_template.format(KLASS=self._klass))
[docs] def build_method(self): prog = '{0}.py'.format(self._klass) mod = Path(self._library) / prog modfile = open(mod, mode='a+') modfile.write(self.alg_template.format(ALG=self._algorithm))
[docs] def process(self): self.build_lib() self.build_class() self.build_method()