Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
App that is used to subcategorise a sample set according to a string search parameter.

The app will iterate through all the files in the current directory looking for files containing the category search pattern substring (the **-C** argument).
If the category search pattern is found in a filename, the file is moved into a subdirectory, which will be created if necessary. The 
name of the subdirectory will either correspond to the category search string or is specified by the **-D** argument.


    .. code:: bash

       genercat -C Drums

    .. code:: bash

       genercat -C Drums -D Drums

are functionally identical, whereas

    .. code:: bash
       genercat -C Drums - D Percussion

puts the same files into a different subdirectory.

import argparse
import pathlib

from import CLIBase
import GenerIter.excepts as gix
from GenerIter.util import debug, mkdir_p

[docs]class Categorise(CLIBase): def _init_(self): super(Categorise, self).__init__() self._cat = None self._dest = None
[docs] def parseArguments(self): """Parses the CLI arguments for the app. .. code:: bash usage: genercat [-h] -C C [-D D] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -C C Category search pattern -D D Destination category name """ # Set up positional and optional arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # This is the target string for the category parser.add_argument("-C", help="Category search pattern", action='store', required=True) parser.add_argument("-D", help="Destination category name", action='store') # Parse the command line as supplied args = parser.parse_args() # Set up the member value according to the command line options self._cat = args.C self._dest = args.D if self._cat is not None: if self._dest is None: self._dest = self._cat
[docs] def process(self): """The execution function for the app. The basic flow: #. A destination subdirectory is created, unless it already exists. #. The app then examines all the files in the current directory. #. If the specfied category search substring is found in the filename, that file is moved into the subdirectory. """ mkdir_p(self._dest) # define the path currentDirectory = pathlib.Path('.') for currentFile in currentDirectory.iterdir(): if self._cat in currentFile.stem: if currentFile.is_file() is True: target = pathlib.Path(self._dest, currentFile) print(target) currentFile = currentFile.replace(target) print(currentFile)