Source code for GenerIter.factory

Class that constructs the correct processor object.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Jackson Park & Jeremy Pavier

from GenerIter.selector import Selector
from GenerIter.config import Config
import GenerIter.excepts as robox
from GenerIter.util import debug

[docs]class ProcessorFactory(): def __init__(self, vname, pname, fname, procmodule): self._vname = vname self._pname = pname self._method = None self._klass = None if self._vname is not None: modspec = '{0}.{1}'.format(procmodule, self._vname) try: mod = __import__(modspec, fromlist=[self._vname]) except ImportError: raise ImportError('Could not import {0}.{1}'.format(modspec, self._vname)) # Load the class from the module klass = getattr(mod, self._vname) # Create an object instance self._klass = klass() if self._klass is None: raise ImportError('Failed to instantiate {0}.{1}.{1}'.format(modspec, self._vname)) # If we got here, we have a class instantiation # Let's see if we can get a reference to a method try: print("{0}.{1}()".format(self._vname, self._pname)) self._method = getattr(self._klass, self._pname) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('Could not obtain reference to {0}.{1}'.format(self._name, self._pname)) @property def klass(self): return self._klass @property def method(self): return self._method
[docs] def setMethod(self, fname): self._method = None if self._klass is not None: try: self._method = getattr(self._klass, fname) except AttributeError: print('Could not obtain {0}.{1}'.format(self._name, fname)) sys.exit(-1) return self._method
[docs] def configure(self, invent, config, dest, form, size): self._klass.configure(inventory=invent, configuration=config, destination=dest, forrmat=form, tsize=size)
[docs] def process(self): self._method()