Source code for GenerIter.util

Useful unencapsulated functions to be reused across the domain.

Copyright 2020 Thomas Jackson Park & Jeremy Pavier

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import errno
import json
from datetime import datetime, date
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError

[docs]def debug(astring): """Only print if in DEBUG mode. Args: astring(str) : any valid Python string """ if __debug__: print(astring)
[docs]def debug_except(inst): """Only print exception diagnostics if in DEBUG mode. Args: inst : any valid exception instance """ if __debug__: print(type(inst)) print(inst.args) print(inst)
[docs]def jsonSerial(obj): """JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code. Currently supports datetime objects. Args: obj (any type) : arbitary Python object or type. Returns: string Raises: TypeError : if the object is not serializable. """ if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)): return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError("Type {0} not serializable".format(type(obj)))
[docs]def jStr(struct): """Default JSON output human-readable string format. The output string is formatted for ease of reading, with an indent value of 4 chars, using standard separators and all fields sorted by name at their appropriate level. Args: struct : arbitary Python iterable data structure i.e. list or dict. Returns: string """ if struct is None: struct = {} return json.dumps(struct, default=jsonSerial, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ":"))
[docs]def shCmd(cspec, trace=False): """Executes a shell command and returns a string list of the output. Args: cspec [] : array of command line options and parameters. trace (boolean) : flag to set for text output if required (default : False) Returns: [] (str) if ``trace == True`` else ``None`` Raises: CalledProcessError : if the subprocess call fails """ debug("Executing: {0}".format(cspec)) retval = None try: intermed = check_output(cspec).decode("utf-8").rstrip() retval = intermed.split("\n") if trace is True: for line in retval: print(line) except CalledProcessError: retval = None return retval
[docs]def utf8(array): """Preserves byte strings, converts Unicode into UTF-8. Args: array (bytearray or str) : input array of bytes or chars Returns: UTF-8 encoded bytearray """ retval = None if isinstance(array, bytes) is True: # No need to convert in this case retval = array else: retval = array.encode("utf-8") return retval
[docs]def mkdir_p(path): """Replicates mkdir -p functionality. For a given path, any missing directories are created to ensure the full path exists Args: path (str): absolute path to the target directory. Raises: OSError : if the path already exists as a file, or the target directory cannot be created because of a permissions error. """ try: # Try to make all the necessary missing directories in the given path os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # If the directory already exists on this path, that's okay if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass # Otherwise, it's either just a file or there's a permissions problem else: raise
[docs]def localTimestamp(some_time=None, time_format=None): """Return a specified UTC time, formatted by the given string. Args: some_time: a datetime object (default ``None`` uses ``datetime.utcnow()``) time_format: format to covert a datetime object to string (default ``None`` uses ``%Y%m%d%H%M%S``) Returns: A timestamp string """ TIME_FORMAT_STRING = "%Y_%m%b_%dT%H_%M_%S_%fUTC" COMPACT_TIME_FMT = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" if some_time is None: the_time = datetime.utcnow() else: the_time = some_time if time_format is None: the_time_format = COMPACT_TIME_FMT else: the_time_format = time_format time_string = the_time.strftime(the_time_format) return time_string
[docs]def nextPowerOf2(x): return 1 if x == 0 else 2**(x - 1).bit_length()